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Dumbworld Video and Film Productions to world premiere the short film, King of Funk as part of the 10X10 Challenge program of the Sacramento Film and Music Festival

Sacramento, California, USA – At the beautiful and historic Crest Theatre, August 16th at 7:30pmDumbworld is proud to present the short film King of Funk.


King of Funk is a dark comedy starring Hollywood-bound Joey Sab, as the music superstar Chucky Funk (formerly Charles David Smith).  The year is 1973, and Charles finds a magical ring of funk that promises the owner fame and fortune, but for the owner of the ring—beware—you dig?


The film was created (from script to screen) in 10 days as part of the 10X10 Challenge of the Sacramento Film and Music Festival and was shot mostly in Folsom, California.  The 10X10 challenge gives filmmakers a theme (this year it was “rings”), a prop (Dumbworld’s prop was a retro red suitcase) and 10 days to make a film.


The film also stars Folsom native Emily Jones as Scarlett and was produced in conjunction with another Folsom native, Laura Chick of Chick Flick Productions.


For more information on 10X10 Challenge and the Sacramento Film and Music Festival go to www.sacfilm.com


About the Filmmakers


Chick Flick Productions is a Folsom based production company ran by Laura Chick.  Her short film, Benediction is to premiere at the 7Cs Moving Picture Film Festival in Granite Bay, California in November.


Dumbworld is a start-up Sacramento based video and film production company.  Dumbworld is home to a tight knit group of young urban producers, directors, writers and editors aggressively promoting a new era in entertainment, media, and art– a Dumbworld Order. 



Visit the official Dumbworld blog at: https://dumbworldorder.wordpress.com

Dumbworld 10X10 Challenge Film finished shooting

Last night (or I guess this morning) at around 2am we finished shooting (for the most part) our 10X10 film challenge project– and now I can say for the first time that I have shot my own film (we have done our own music videos, commercials and web videos– and have worked on other people’s films, but this is the first time that we have shot our own project– and a 10X10 at that!).  None of this would have been possible without Laura and Ted from Chick Flick productions, and cast and crew of many, including: Joey Sab, Emily Jones, Chris Uchman-Douglas, Ryan Nelson, Gary Nelson, Ryan Harbert, Daniel Martin and a whole host of others. 

Now a little less than 2 days to whip into an editing frenzy and come up with a finished project.  Good times!

Sacramento Film and Music Festival, 10X10 Challenge and Stop Wasting Time: Ten Things You Can Do to Make Yourself More Efficient

Less than 6 days left for us to finish our short for the 10X10 Challenge.  We have what I feel is a pretty good script for having come up with it in 2 days, and a great cast and crew (none of this would be possible without the hard work and kindness of some very talented people).  We have a pretty hectic schedule planned, but at this point there is no looking back.  If we don’t finish, or come up with a subpar product, we waste the time and energy of a lot of really good people.  No doubts.  No excuses.

And speaking of waste.  A while back, I attended a pretty cool presentation (for my day job) by Scott Abel, on being more efficient with your time.  It was good because he gave lots of ideas on tools to use to be more efficient, most of them online and free. 

Two tools that seemed promising (but I haven’t got a chance try out– see!– guess I am wasting too much time) are “pipes” and iwantsandy.com, an online personal assitant. Don’t be like me–stop wasting time– see his slide show: here

Dumbworld 10X10 filmmaker challenge entry for the Sacramento Film and Music Festival


Since Thursday at 7pm– We have been working on a short film, in conjunction with Chick Flick Productions for the Sacramento Film and Music Festival for the 10X10 Filmmaker Challenge program.  You had 10 days to make a 10 minute film using the given theme (which was rings), the use of a prop that is picked in a drawing, and a festival poster that must to be displayed somewhere prominantly in a scene. 

We had first choice from a stage full of props and chose a red suitcase– Pic is below (well actually we were number two, but # one left for some reason and came back half way through the choosing).  There was a Sesame Street Record that also caught our eye– but the red suitcase was just too cool to not pick up. 

Should be fun.  I think I will wait to tell what our concept is, but I’d be interested to see what concepts you would have come up with if you took part in the project.  Our deadline is Sunday August 3rd at 7pm.  Less than eight days left!

The finished resuls will show the last saturday of the festival.  see here for schedule.